As of October 1, 2002, the Illinois State Crime Stoppers Association has entered into a two-year partnership with
the United States Attorney Generals Office through a program called Project Safe Neighborhoods. This anti-crime
initiative originated on May 14, 2001 when President Bush and Attorney General Ashcroft announced that while
continuing to fight international terrorists, our government must also continue the fight against urban terrorists
across the nation. To that end, five hundred and thirty-seven million dollars were dedicated to reduce gun
violence in American cities. Other partners include the U.S. Attorneys Office, federal and local law enforcement
agencies throughout the United States.
With the approval of the ISCSA board, directors Dan Dickerson, Tim Hungate and Don Gustin applied for a portion
of the grant, Community Outreach and Media Partners, through the Attorney Generals Office, Central District of
Illinois. The grant request was approved and divided between Crime Stopper programs in Champaign County, Peoria,
Springfield-Menard and the Quad Cities. Each program will use their money for a media campaign consisting of
television, radio and print media, and enhancing rewards for the reporting of gun law violations. Also, a portion
of the grant will be used by the State Association for computer equipment and for expenses related to the
administration of Project Safe Neighborhoods.
The Illinois State Crime Stoppers Association hopes this partnership has an impact on gun violence in these
target cities and across the nation. For more information about Project Safe Neighborhoods,
go to www.projectsafeneighborhoods.gov.